Monday, April 22, 2013

Zadie's dance recital

Zadie had her first dance recital this weekend, and let me tell you, nothing compares to 3 and 4 year old ballerinas.  I was amazed when she got up on that stage in front of hundreds of people and danced her little heart out.  

Zadie with Grandpa Big walking to the recital

Thats my girl, arms stretched high

It was chaos backstage.  A year ago, this would have sent Z into a full meltdown.  Now that she's BIG she stayed calm and danced on.

We were, of course, not there in time to get good seats.  These pictures would be better if we hadn't been a mile away in the balcony.

Really, the biggest surprise of the night was Rosie.  She sat for 2 hours captivated by the dancers.  She watched every routine and tried to follow along with the dancers.  I see a pas de deux in their future!

Of course every star needs a bouquet of flowers to celebrate their performance.  Zadie loved her roses and daisies.  She is such a little ray of sunshine.  Can't wait for many more performances to come.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

The first berries of the year

One of my favorite days of the year.  Our first trip the the Strawberry patch of the season.  We never miss strawberry picking- even when there isn't a patch for 100 miles, we make the drive.  The photos we've taken over the years are some of my favorites, you really should check out last year's!  I can't believe how we've all changed in just one year.  

Zadie says this year's berries "are so good, they're life changing."  It made me laugh, but then it made me think.

There is something spiritual for me about strawberry picking.  We've just emerged from the fasting of lent and the world is waking up from it's winter nap.  We always see frogs and butterflies among the rows of red berries and it reminds me that we are Easter people.

We get to taste God's bounty and reap fruit we didn't even sow.  So much like God's grace.

This year there is a new patch only miles from our home.  Talk about an unexpected blessing!  I know the girls and I will go weekly while Andy is in school.

But not for the first trip.  We had to do that together.

Now, I'm sure you're wondering what we'll do with so many strawberries.  Well, I think Rosie had eaten at least a quart before we even got home.

But spring in our house means strawberry shortcake for breakfast.  Strawberry salad for lunch and mom, can you please melt us some chocolate for a strawberry snack.  Of course I will.

It also means extra baths.  A lot of extra baths.

I should mention that the human members of the household are not the only ones who love strawberry picking season.

Friday, April 12, 2013

{p,h,f,r} Easter edition

I wasn't sure if I had the energy for a {p,h,f,r} this evening, and then I realized how many fabulous Easter pictures I still have to share!

Okay, so not exactly posed by the Azaleas, but it makes me so {Happy} to see how much they love each other!

And I know you're wondering why I included this one.  It is the only picture I got of Zadie in her Easter dress.  She's my church-is-over-don't-get-between-me-and-my-playclothes child.  But here it is, evidence that she was in a dress WITH a ribbon in her hair.  So {Pretty}.

Backing up to holy Saturday, here we are dyeing eggs.  A tradition that we always make sure to make time for even in the mayhem that is Holy Week at the parsonage.

What follows is the joy of having Daddy back after Holy Week has passed.

And finally, {Real}.  Here is a topographical map of my cornea.  AKA, what a cornea is not supposed to look like.  On the bright side, we finally know what has been causing my recent vision loss.  Now the question is, can it be repaired, or at least the remaining vision saved.  I have seen two specialists so far and I see the surgeon in May.  I remain optimistic and I'll keep you posted.

Head over to Like Mother, Like Daughter for more {p,h,f,r}!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013