Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Andy's Valentine's day party

I had a great Valentine's day.  Partly because I got to spend the afternoon with 17 of the coolest second graders around.  What a joy to get to see Andy in his element, spend some time with his friends and soak up a bit of the place that is helping to form him into the mature, considerate kid I'm seeing glimpses of more and more each day.

I led the kids in a few games, and still managed to snap a few pictures.

Did I say mature?

Madison sporting a mustache

Madison and Matthew reading their Valentines

The kids getting some instructions from Mrs. Whittle

Stacking conversation hearts to win, you guessed it, more candy.
Wonder if the kids will notice if I sneak just a few pieces of their candy while they're sleeping?  Yeah, they've got it sorted, labeled, memorized, and protected by anti-theft devices.  Guess I'll go rummage around for a girl scout cookie.

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