Monday, February 27, 2012

Zadie on wheels

I don't think winter is coming to Alabama this year... and that is just fine with me.  Zadie remembered her bike today (the one that has been tucked away since summer) and asked if she could learn to ride it.  I can't remember why we didn't get around to it in June.  Sheesh, what was I doing in June?  Ah, that's right, bringing a new life into the world.  Poor middle child.

So here is a taste of our beautiful sun-shiny day and a very happy little girl pedaling her little heart out.
Let's get this thing road ready Daddy!

I can help!  I'm very strong!

Look Mama!  I'm doing it!

And what was Rosie up to today?  Well, she's working on mastering her mobility... but no wheels yet!

Bum up, bum down, bum up, bum down, you get the picture
Just a little frustrating

Think I'll just eat some grass
Perhaps the best Monday ever!

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